Thursday, February 21, 2008

A few links that may be of use

Here a few links about how to make certain sound effects that might be of use for the last assignment:
Pretty good in general. Has details of how they made some of the Star Wars effects.
This has a short but quite useful list of effects.
Another short list of different effects.
Some useful info in the "How it's done" section.

A video of a guy making various swooshing noises.


Pentti said...

handbrake is also avaliable for the far superior Windows operating system.

Tom H said...

ok, this bastard thing isnt working well for me..

What i've been trying to post is:

For people who don't use a Mac (Steve) and are having trouble ripping a DVD with handbrake, use a dvd decoder to transfer the DVD to your hard drive 1st.

it avoids the 'This DVD is protected' message which comes up when trying to rip straight from DVD.

i used this free one: